Your Lucky Lotto Numbers And Days According To Your Star Sign

Lottery Numbers
Lucky Lotto
Star Sign

Online lottery players from all over the world are constantly looking for ways to play and win the lottery. There are numerous ways that could give you the advantage of winning a prize or even the jackpot. This could mean playing the biggest international lotteries, purchasing a Quickpick, spreading your luck and buying a bundle or leaving it up to Lady Luck.

There’s nothing wrong with getting a bit of variety now and again. For those of you who enjoy playing the lottery online, have you ever wondered whether or not astrology could help you pick winning numbers? If so, have you also ever considered that each astrology sign also has its own specific lucky numbers and days for that matter?

While there are many people that look to the stars to try and find out what is going to happen in their lives, there are also those who take this a step further and use astrology to help them pick lottery numbers.

With the help of online lottery websites, such as, you can easily find your lucky numbers according to your astrological sign and with just a click of a button play your lucky lottery numbers online.

Even though you might not have a number that you feel is lucky in some way, you have heard people talk about theirs.

The number seven seems to be a firm favourite. The reason for this is can be religious, or it could be because seven is a prime number, meaning it can only be divided by itself and one. Or it could be that you simply like the 007 Bond movies.

Some people attribute their lucky number to certain things that have happened to them in their life (think Taylor Swift and the number 13).

Lucky numbers are certainly interesting, and if you don’t think you have one, you’re wrong — each zodiac sign has a number that can change:

Aries – 45
Taurus – 21
Gemini – 17
Cancer – 6
Leo – 5
Virgo – 13
Libra – 33
Scorpio – 27
Sagittarius – 52
Capricorn – 21
Aquarius – 15
Pisces – 3

Using lucky numbers to play the lottery

As you can see, instead of blindly selecting numbers the next time you play the lottery online, you could use your star sign’s number with those of your family and friends to get a really lucky set of numbers to play.

Lucky Days To Play The Lottery

Just like lucky numbers, each astrological sign has its own lucky day/s, as well! So not only do you have a set of lucky numbers but you can pinpoint on which day you should play the lottery. You might be luckier on that day!

What is My Lucky Day?

  • Aries – Tuesday
  • Taurus – Friday
  • Gemini – Wednesday
  • Cancer – Monday
  • Leo – Sunday
  • Virgo – Wednesday
  • Libra – Friday
  • Scorpio – Tuesday
  • Sagittarius – Thursday
  • Capricorn – Saturday
  • Aquarius – Wednesday
  • Pisces – Thursday

Today's lucky horoscope is tomorrow's lottery fortune

Remember, it’s no use having all this luck at your disposal if you don’t do your bit to make things happen.

Using lucky numbers requires doing three things:

  1. Doing the calculations to determine your lucky numbers.
  2. Understanding the types of things each of your lucky numbers represent.
  3. Preparing for the things your lucky numbers are likely to attract into your life and taking advantage of them.

A big win lies in your future… It is written in the stars!